On May 3, KHEOPS will hold a colloquium at the 88th Acfas Conference to address the integration of non-financial benefits in the governance and management of major infrastructure projects.

This colloquium will be an opportunity to present avenues for rethinking major infrastructure projects from a sustainable perspective, taking into account social capital and the well-being of populations. Several researchers and industry practitioners will contribute to a reflection on the environmental and societal value that these projects can generate.

Speakers include: Marie-Andrée Caron (ESG UQAM), Nathalie Drouin (ESG UQAM & KHEOPS), Lavagnon Ika (Ottawa University), Alice Jarry (Concordia University), Thomas Heinrich (Concordia University), Stéphanie Eveno (Hydro-Québec) and Mario Bourgault (Polytechnique Montréal). A panel will follow, addressing challenges and issues related to the integration of non-financial benefits.

The Acfas Conference is the most important multidisciplinary gathering of knowledge and research in the Francophonie. Thousands of researchers and research users from about thirty countries will be attending.

Event in French.

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