KHEOPS’ researchers in the medias.

In a letter published in La Presse (15 January 2022) and co-signed by 165 researchers, Maude Brunet and Pierre-André Hudon take a stand on the Troisième Lien (“third link”) project: Forgo the project troisième lien Québec-Lévis! The Troisième lien is a highway tunnel under the St. Lawrence River between Quebec City and Levis. Several of the researchers who co-signed are part of KHEOPS research community:  Monique Aubry, Sofiane Baba, Skander Ben Abdallah, Nathalie Drouin, Ewan Oiry, Alejandro Romero-Torres, David Talbot, Rafael Ziegler.
Azzeddine Madani published an article in the Algerian Newspaper El Watan adressing why road safety shouldn’t only be about raising awareness. Among other subjects, he discusses the issue of governance as it relates to the use of Algerian road infrastructures. La sécurité routière ne doit pas se résumer à la seule sensibilisation (October 27, 2021).
Maude Brunet spoke about the special urban planning program (PPU) for the Radisson area in Montreal : “there is  an opportunity to revitalize this part of the city […]”: Un possible projet immobilier au centre commercial Place Versailles (November 10, 2021).

Nathalie Drouin did several interviews about the REM de l’Est. She responded to The Gazette: REM de l’Est will include tunnel, but critics say ‘Montreal will be disfigured’ (September 2, 2021) and CTV NEWS: REM light-rail line to go underground in downtown Montreal (September 3, 2021).

The university media covered several news items about KHEOPS. The IPMA-PMI Best Student Paper Award won by Charlotte Alix-Séguin at EURAM 2021 was mentioned on ESG UQAM and Actualités UQAM.

Geneviève Dufour answered questions from La Presse following the changes in the regulatory framework for public procurement: Québec goes green (French) (February 19, 2021)

Alejandro Romero and Monique Aubry discussed the role of universities and research in supporting the acceleration of infrastructure projects and economic recovery in La PresseLes universités peuvent apporter leur contribution (October 27, 2020)

Marie-Andrée Caron and Nathalie Drouin published an article in The Conversation: Il faudra penser autrement les infrastructures dans l’après-Covid (French only). It highlights the contributions of their research about non-financial benefits that addresses social and environmental issues related to infrastructure megaprojects. (September 29, 2020)
Sofiane Baba cowrote a piece on the social acceptability of major development projetcs in indigenous context in La Presse: Veto autochtone: recentrer le débat autour de l’acceptabilité sociale (August 29, 2020)

Nathalie Drouin talked about financial reporting at the City of Montreal in La Presse : Des élus dénoncent la hausse des retards de paiement à la Ville de Montréal (August 14, 2020)

Geneviève Dufour cowrote a piece about sustainable and responsible procurement in La PresseRelance économique, pour des achats publics durables (June 22, 2020)

Lavagnon Ika published a column addressing megaprojects in the post-coronavirus Africa in Jeune AfriqueQuels grands projets dans l’Afrique post-coronavirus? (June 14, 2020)

Luc Bégin, who was awarded the Collaborative Action grant, jointly financed by KHEOPS and the FRQ, talked about the risks of relaxing governance rules in order to speed up major infrastructure projects in La Presse : Grands projets d’infrastructure «Faire vite, c’est se mettre à risque» (May 27, 2020)

In a letter published in La Presse (15 January 2022) and co-signed by 165 researchers, Maude Brunet and Pierre-André Hudon take a stand on the Troisième Lien (“third link”) project: Forgo the project troisième lien Québec-Lévis! The Troisième lien is a highway tunnel under the St. Lawrence River between Quebec City and Levis. Several of the researchers who co-signed are part of KHEOPS research community:  Monique Aubry, Sofiane Baba, Skander Ben Abdallah, Nathalie Drouin, Ewan Oiry, Alejandro Romero-Torres, David Talbot, Rafael Ziegler.
Azzeddine Madani published an article in the Algerian Newspaper El Watan adressing why road safety shouldn’t only be about raising awareness. Among other subjects, he discusses the issue of governance as it relates to the use of Algerian road infrastructures. La sécurité routière ne doit pas se résumer à la seule sensibilisation (October 27, 2021).
Maude Brunet spoke about the special urban planning program (PPU) for the Radisson area in Montreal : “there is  an opportunity to revitalize this part of the city […]”: Un possible projet immobilier au centre commercial Place Versailles (November 10, 2021).

Nathalie Drouin did several interviews about the REM de l’Est. She responded to The Gazette: REM de l’Est will include tunnel, but critics say ‘Montreal will be disfigured’ (September 2, 2021) and CTV NEWS: REM light-rail line to go underground in downtown Montreal (September 3, 2021).

The university media covered several news items about KHEOPS. The IPMA-PMI Best Student Paper Award won by Charlotte Alix-Séguin at EURAM 2021 was mentioned on ESG UQAM and Actualités UQAM.

Geneviève Dufour answered questions from La Presse following the changes in the regulatory framework for public procurement: Québec goes green (French) (February 19, 2021)

Alejandro Romero and Monique Aubry discussed the role of universities and research in supporting the acceleration of infrastructure projects and economic recovery in La PresseLes universités peuvent apporter leur contribution (October 27, 2020)

Marie-Andrée Caron and Nathalie Drouin published an article in The Conversation: Il faudra penser autrement les infrastructures dans l’après-Covid (French only). It highlights the contributions of their research about non-financial benefits that addresses social and environmental issues related to infrastructure megaprojects. (September 29, 2020)
Sofiane Baba cowrote a piece on the social acceptability of major development projetcs in indigenous context in La Presse: Veto autochtone: recentrer le débat autour de l’acceptabilité sociale (August 29, 2020)

Nathalie Drouin talked about financial reporting at the City of Montreal in La Presse : Des élus dénoncent la hausse des retards de paiement à la Ville de Montréal (August 14, 2020)

Geneviève Dufour cowrote a piece about sustainable and responsible procurement in La PresseRelance économique, pour des achats publics durables (June 22, 2020)

Lavagnon Ika published a column addressing megaprojects in the post-coronavirus Africa in Jeune AfriqueQuels grands projets dans l’Afrique post-coronavirus? (June 14, 2020)

Luc Bégin, who was awarded the Collaborative Action grant, jointly financed by KHEOPS and the FRQ, talked about the risks of relaxing governance rules in order to speed up major infrastructure projects in La Presse : Grands projets d’infrastructure «Faire vite, c’est se mettre à risque» (May 27, 2020)