
Le 22 août dernier, les professeurs en gestion de projets Ralf Müller, Nathalie Drouin et  Shankar Sankaran, ont obtenu le Walt Lipke Project Governance and Control Excellence Award pour leur article intitulé A Model for Organizational Project Management and Validation.

Décerné par le Project and Program Management Symposium en Australie, ce prix vise à encourager les praticiens, les universitaires et les étudiants qui font preuve de créativité pour répondre aux défis de la gestion de projet.

Toutes nos félicitations à notre directrice exécutive et professeur à l’ESG, Nathalie Drouin, pour l’obtention de ce prix, ainsi qu’à ses co-chercheurs membres de la communauté KHEOPS, Ralf Müller et Shankar Sankaran.

Résumé de l’article (en anglais seulement) :

A Model for Organizational Project Management and its Validation
It is important that an organization selects the right projects and carefully manages and governs them to deliver their intended benefits. This paper will describe a model for Organizational Project Management (OPM) to help organizations to do that. OPM is the integration of all project management-related activities of an organization linking strategic decisions (where the project management-related activities are to be carried out) with business decisions (portfolio management and benefits realization) with their management (program and project management) and their governance at both the strategic and project levels. This paper will describe a seven-layered model of OPM with its 22 elements – spanning from the organizational level to the individual project level – derived by the authors using academic literature and their own experience in managing projects. The model adds new elements to OPM such as governance, projectification, benefits realization and organizational design to the conventional 3P (portfolio, program and project management) elements resulting in a more comprehensive model. The developed model was validated with a random sample of organizations in the Netherlands and China. The findings from the validation led to patterns of implementation of OPM in a variety of organizations. The process used for validation as well as the results obtained will be discussed in the paper. The feedback received on this process from academics and practitioners at the PGCS symposium will assist in the development of a web-based diagnostic tool for OPM being put together by the authors.