Emerald Group Publishing

(Disponible en anglais uniquement)

« Projectification and the impact on societies » – Special issue call for papers from International Journal of Managing Projects in Business

Deadline for submission of full papers: 31 July 2018

Guest Editors : Prof. Dr. Yvonne Schoper, HTW Berlin University of Applied Sciences, yvonne.schoper@htw-berlin.de
Helgi Thor Ingason, Reykjavik University, helgithor@ru.is

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following three themes:

• Status of projectification of societies
• Consequence of the global projectification trend for individuals, organisations and societies
• Public administration based on transparent project governance structures
• National project maturity levels / index measurement
• Value creation through projects/ project management for the society

Submission Procedure: 
Submissions to this journal are through the ScholarOne submission system here: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ijmpb

Please visit the author guidelines for the journal at: 

Please ensure you select this special issue from the relevant drop down menu on page four of the submission process.

All full papers submitted will be double-blindly reviewed following the journal’s normal review process and criteria.